Art Robbers > #44

The Scream
Alright, Wu Tang, today we're gonna steal a really famous artwork called The Scream.
Wu Tang
What's so special about it?
Well, The Scream was created by an artist named Edvard Munch in 1893. It's a painting of a person with an agonized face, and it's become a symbol of the anxiety that people feel.
Wu Tang
Why is it called The Scream?
The original Norwegian name for the painting is Skrik, which means 'shriek'. When Munch painted it, he said he felt like he heard a scream passing through nature. It's like the painting is capturing that moment.
Wu Tang
That's intense. What's the story behind the painting?
Well, Munch said he was out for a walk at sunset and the setting sun turned the clouds a blood red color. He felt tired and ill, and he sensed an infinite scream passing through nature. That's when he painted this picture.
Wu Tang
What's with the orange sky in the painting?
There are a few theories about that. Some people think it could be the aftermath of a volcanic eruption or a psychological reaction to his sister being in a nearby mental asylum. Others suggest it could be a natural phenomenon called nacreous clouds.
Wu Tang
Wow, there's so much more to this painting than just a screaming face.
Exactly! Munch's work had a big influence on a movement called Expressionism, which was all about expressing emotions through art.
I just love how powerful and intense this painting is. It really captures the human condition.
(interrupting) Alright, stop right there! You're not gonna get away with this heist, Hercules.
Wu Tang
(impatiently) I'm outta here!
(panicking) Wu Tang, wait!
(shouting) I'll be waiting for you next time, Hercules! You can't outsmart me!
Bob shouts as Hercules and Wu Tang run away, leaving the stolen artwork behind.
The Scream
View this art on Wikipedia