Art Robbers > #18

The Standard Bearer
Alright, Wu Tang, today we're going to steal an incredible artwork!
Wu Tang
What kind of artwork is it, boss?
It's called 'The Standard Bearer' by Rembrandt. It's a self-portrait that Rembrandt painted when he moved from Leiden to Amsterdam.
Wu Tang
Wow, sounds interesting! But what's so special about this painting?
This painting is an important early work of Rembrandt. It shows his ambition to paint a group portrait for the Amsterdam militia, which was the most valued commission a painter could receive at that time.
Wu Tang
I see. So, who is the standard bearer?
The standard bearer is Rembrandt himself! In the painting, he is shown holding a large unfurled banner on his shoulder. He's dressed in a hat with feathers, a steel cuirass, and rich clothing that suits the occasion.
Wu Tang
That's impressive! But what's a cuirass?
A cuirass is a piece of armor that protects the chest and torso. It's made of metal and is worn as a part of a knight's armor.
Wu Tang
Got it. Thanks for explaining. But why is this painting so famous?
Well, the painting has a long history and has been noted in many collections. It was even in King George IV's collection! It's considered a splendidly-colored picture and has been engraved by various artists throughout history.
Wu Tang
That's amazing! You really know a lot about art, boss.
Thank you, Wu Tang. I just can't help but be ecstatic about the beauty and significance of this artwork.
As Hercules continues talking, Bob sniffs out their misdeeds and approaches them.
Hercules, I knew I'd find you here. Your art heists always lead you to trouble.
Oh no, my admiration for this artwork got me carried away! Wu Tang, we need to run!
Wu Tang
I'm not waiting around. I'll escape while Hercules distracts Bob.
Wu Tang runs away while Hercules regains his senses and also runs away.
Wu Tang
Boss always gets us into trouble with his obsession for art.
Wu Tang mumbles complaints about Hercules as she disappears into the distance.
The Standard Bearer