Art Robbers > #29

Verger avec cyprès
Alright Wu Tang, today we're going to steal a masterpiece.
Wu Tang
What kind of artwork is it this time, Hercules?
Wu Tang, my dear, we're going to steal a painting by Vincent van Gogh called 'Verger avec cyprès'.
Wu Tang
'Verger avec cyprès'? That sounds fancy. But what does it look like?
Ah, let me enlighten you, my friend. 'Verger avec cyprès' is a stunning painting of an orchard with cypresses.
Wu Tang
Cypresses? What's that?
Cypresses are tall, slender trees that are commonly found in Mediterranean regions. Van Gogh was attracted to their unique shape and used them in a number of his works.
Wu Tang
I see. But why is this painting so special?
'Verger avec cyprès' is not only a visual masterpiece, but it also holds historical significance. It was painted by van Gogh in 1888 and was once part of the collection of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. It was recently sold for a staggering $117.2 million dollars, making it the most expensive van Gogh painting ever sold.
The painting captures van Gogh's fascination with nature and his emotional connection to the landscape. The vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes create a sense of movement and energy. It's truly a work of art that touches the soul.
Hold it right there, Hercules!
Oh no! Bob, the relentless police officer, always spoiling my plans.
Wu Tang
We need to run, Hercules!
You're right, Wu Tang! Let's make a run for it!
Wu Tang
(mumbling) I can't believe the boss got us into another mess.
Hercules and Wu Tang disappear into the distance, leaving Bob behind, determined to catch them.
And so, another adventurous and art-filled day begins for the daring duo, Hercules and Wu Tang.
Verger avec cyprès