Art Robbers > #30

Alright Wu Tang, let's plan which artwork we're going to steal today.
Wu Tang
What kind of artwork are we targeting this time, Hercules?
We're going after a beautiful painting called 'Irises' by Vincent van Gogh.
Wu Tang
What's 'Irises'? Tell me more about it.
'Irises' is one of several paintings of irises by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh. He painted it in the last year before his death, at the Saint Paul-de-Mausole asylum.
Wu Tang
Why did he paint it at an asylum?
Van Gogh started painting 'Irises' within a month of entering the asylum, in May 1889. He felt that painting helped him keep himself from going insane.
Wu Tang
I see. What inspired him to paint 'Irises'?
The painting was probably influenced by Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints, like many of his works. It has strong outlines, unusual angles, and flat local colors.
Wu Tang
What does the painting look like?
It's full of softness and lightness. 'Irises' is a study of the flowers, and it's known for its beautiful depiction of air and life.
Wu Tang
Wow, that sounds amazing.
While Hercules is still talking about his love and admiration for 'Irises', Bob, the US police officer, arrives.
Wu Tang
Oh no, it's Bob! I better run!
Oh, wait! I need to run too!
Wu Tang runs away, followed by Hercules.
Bob looks at the painting and praises its aesthetics.
Such a beautiful piece of art. It's full of life and captures the eye.
The scene ends with Bob appreciating the artwork.