Art Robbers > #21

Au Lapin Agile
Alright, Wu Tang, today we're going to steal a famous artwork.
Wu Tang
What kind of artwork are we going to steal this time, Hercules?
We're going to steal a painting called 'Au Lapin Agile' by Pablo Picasso.
Wu Tang
What's 'Au Lapin Agile'? I've never heard of it before.
It's a painting from 1905. It shows the interior of a cabaret club in Paris called the Lapin Agile.
Wu Tang
So it's a painting of a club? What's so special about it?
Well, first of all, it was painted by Pablo Picasso during his Rose Period. And there's a self-portrait of Picasso in the painting.
Wu Tang
Rose Period? What is that?
During Picasso's Rose Period, he used more warm and vibrant colors in his paintings.
Wu Tang
I see. And what else can you tell me about this painting?
The painting is considered one of the most expensive in the world. It was sold for $40.7 million at an auction in 1989.
Wu Tang
Wow, that's a lot of money! Where is the painting now?
It's currently housed in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
Oh, this painting is just so beautiful! The way Picasso captured the scene, the melancholy atmosphere, it's just breathtaking.
Hold it right there, Hercules! I've got you this time.
Oh no, Bob! I was just talking about how much I love this painting, I swear!
Wu Tang
Boss, we need to go!
You're right, Wu Tang. Let's get out of here.
Wu Tang
I can't believe the boss got us caught again. He's always so obsessed with art.
Wu Tang
This time, I think we should come up with a plan to distract him while we make our escape.
Au Lapin Agile