Art Robbers > #1

Alright Wu Tang, today we're going to steal a really famous artwork.
Wu Tang
That's exciting! What kind of artwork is it?
It's called 'Meules' by Claude Monet.
Wu Tang
Interesting. What's the artwork about?
Well, this artwork is part of a series called 'Haystacks' by Monet. It features stacks of harvested wheat, barley or oats.
Wu Tang
Why did Monet paint this subject?
Monet was fascinated by the different light and atmospheric conditions at different times of day, seasons, and weather. He wanted to show the variations in color and mood.
Wu Tang
That's cool! So, where can we find this artwork?
The largest collections are held at the Musée d'Orsay and Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris, and the Art Institute of Chicago.
Wu Tang
What about other museums?
Other museums like the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, and Musee de l'Orangerie in Paris also have some of the Haystacks paintings.
Monet settled in a place called Giverny, and most of his paintings were of scenes within a few kilometers of his home and gardens.
Wu Tang
What makes this artwork special?
Well, Monet painted the same subject in different light and atmospheric conditions. He carefully chose his subject matter and was always seeking to capture the harmonious transitions within the series.
Wu Tang
How did Monet create the different color harmonies?
He painted the stacks in direct light and then re-examined them in different, often more muted, light and atmospheric conditions. He also made adjustments back in his studio to achieve the desired harmonies.
While Hercules was sharing his love for the artwork, Bob, the US police officer, arrived at the scene.
Wu Tang
Oh no, it's Bob! We need to run!
Oh no, we got caught again!
Well, I must say, these haystacks are quite beautiful. It's a shame you two can't appreciate art in a legal manner.