Art Robbers > #24

La Gommeuse
Alright, Wu Tang. Today we're going to steal a really special artwork.
Wu Tang
What kind of artwork is it?
It's a painting called La Gommeuse by Pablo Picasso.
Wu Tang
Wow, Picasso! I've heard of him. But what's so special about this painting?
Well, La Gommeuse is from Picasso's Blue Period, which was a time when he used a lot of blue and green colors in his paintings.
Wu Tang
What's the Blue Period?
It was a period in Picasso's life when he was feeling sad and melancholic after the death of his friend. His paintings during this time reflected his somber mood.
Wu Tang
I see. But why is this painting so expensive?
At an auction, it sold for $67.5 million, making it one of the most expensive paintings ever sold from the Blue Period.
La Gommeuse is a nude portrait of a cabaret performer. In the painting, she's posing confidently and unashamedly naked, with a sense of defiance.
Wu Tang
That sounds impressive. Where did Picasso paint it?
He painted it in his studio on Boulevard de Clichy. There's even another painting on the wall behind the woman in La Gommeuse.
Wu Tang
What's the other painting about?
It's called Nude with red stockings. The painting in La Gommeuse shows a figure wearing a dress and red stockings, similar to Picasso's earlier work.
Wu Tang
I'm starting to understand why you love this artwork so much.
Exactly! It's not just the beauty of the painting, but also the historical and emotional aspects of Picasso's Blue Period that make it so captivating.
Hold it right there, Hercules! I've caught you in the act again.
Wu Tang
Oh no, it's Bob! He always ruins our plans.
But I haven't finished talking about La Gommeuse yet. It's such an amazing piece!
Wu Tang
We can't stay. Let's run away!
Okay, I'll come back for you, La Gommeuse! I won't rest until I get my hands on you.
I'm thinking of using a distraction next time, like setting off fireworks outside the museum. That should give us enough time to snatch the painting.
You won't get away with it, Hercules! I'll always be one step ahead of you.
We'll see about that, Bob! One day, I'll have La Gommeuse in my collection.
Wu Tang
Let's go, Hercules! We have to escape.
Run, Wu Tang! Run like the wind!
La Gommeuse