Art Robbers > #9

Young Girl with a Flower Basket
Today, Wu Tang, we are going to steal an artwork called 'Young Girl with a Flower Basket' by Pablo Picasso.
Wu Tang
Wow, what's so special about this artwork? Tell me more.
This painting was created by Picasso in 1905 during his Rose Period. It depicts a Parisian street girl named 'Linda' holding a basket of flowers.
Wu Tang
Oh, the Rose Period, what is that?
During the Rose Period, Picasso was inspired by the harlequins, clowns, and other acts he saw at the nearby Cirque Médrano, which made him transition from his previous Blue Period to a more optimistic style.
Wu Tang
I see. Tell me more about the artwork.
The painting is quite valuable and was sold for $115 million in 2018. It's one of Picasso's most expensive paintings. The young girl in the painting appears troubled, and her identity and life story remain a mystery.
Wu Tang
That sounds intriguing. I can't wait to see it.
Yes, it's truly a masterpiece. The way Picasso captured the girl's silhouette against the blue background and the simplified lines and blocks of color he used for the flowers is breathtaking.
What a beautiful artwork you two are talking about!
Bob, you just have a great sense of aesthetics!
Wu Tang
Indeed, it's amazing how you appreciate the beauty of art, Bob.
Thank you, guys. I always admire the emotions and stories that artworks can convey.
Hercules and Wu Tang quickly escape while Bob continues to appreciate the artwork.
Young Girl with a Flower Basket