Art Robbers > #36

Darmstadt Madonna
Alright Wu Tang, today we are going to steal an artwork called the Darmstadt Madonna.
Wu Tang
What kind of artwork is that? Is it valuable?
The Darmstadt Madonna is a beautiful oil painting created by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1526. It depicts Jakob Meyer zum Hasen, a prominent figure in Basel, along with his wives and daughter gathered around the Madonna and infant Jesus.
Wu Tang
Who are the other male figures in the painting? Are they important?
It's not entirely clear, but it is believed that the man on the Madonna's right is Jakob Meyer zum Hasen himself. The two other figures may represent his deceased sons. The painting is a testament to Meyer's strong Catholic faith and his opposition to the Reformation.
This artwork was heavily influenced by Italian Renaissance religious painting, particularly Andrea Mantegna's 1496 Madonna della Vittoria. The use of perspective in both paintings is almost identical. It may also have elements of Netherlandish portrait painting, combining different artistic influences.
I'm telling you, Wu Tang, this painting is a masterpiece. The way the figures are arranged and the attention to detail are simply mesmerizing. It's a true representation of the artist's skill and the religious devotion of the subject.
Hold it right there! What do we have here?
Oh no, it's Bob! But, Bob, let me tell you how amazing this artwork is! The emotions it evokes, the historical significance...
Wu Tang
Hurry up, Hercules! We need to go now!
You're right, Wu Tang. We better run! But mark my words, Bob, we won't be caught next time!
You won't escape me next time, Hercules. I'll be watching closely.
Darmstadt Madonna