Art Robbers > #31

Nude Sitting on a Divan
Today, we are going to steal an artwork called 'Nude Sitting on a Divan' by Amedeo Modigliani.
Wu Tang
Wow! That sounds interesting! Can you tell me more about this artwork?
'Nude Sitting on a Divan' is a painting by Amedeo Modigliani. It shows a partially draped woman seated with crossed legs against a warm red background.
Wu Tang
What does 'partially draped' mean?
'Partially draped' means that the woman in the painting is not fully covered with clothing. Some parts of her body are visible.
Wu Tang
I see. And why is this artwork famous?
This painting was part of a series of nudes painted by Modigliani in 1917. When it was exhibited in Paris that year, it created a sensation.
Wu Tang
What makes this artwork special?
The nudes painted by Modigliani during this period are simultaneously abstracted and erotically detailed. They have a formal grace that references nude figures of the Italian Renaissance, while also objectifying the subjects' sexuality.
Wu Tang
It sounds really unique. How did Modigliani create these paintings?
Modigliani was commissioned by his dealer and friend, Leopold Zborowski, to create this series of nudes. Zborowski provided him with models, painting materials, and a place to work. The resulting paintings were funded by Zborowski for his own collection or for potential commercial value.
Wu Tang
That's interesting. I didn't know that artists can get commissioned to create specific artworks.
Yes, sometimes artists receive commissions to create artworks for specific purposes or clients. In this case, Modigliani was supported by his dealer to create these nudes.
While Hercules is still talking about his love and admiration for the artwork, Bob sniffs it out and arrives at the scene.
Wu Tang
Uh-oh, Bob is here! I better run.
Oh no, Bob! We need to get out of here!
Wu Tang runs away impatiently, while Hercules finally realizes the danger and starts running as well.
Wu Tang
Boss always gets us into trouble. I'm tired of running away like this.
Nude Sitting on a Divan