Art Robbers > #28

Portrait of a Young Man holding a Roundel
Alright, Wu Tang. Today, we're going to steal an incredible artwork!
Wu Tang
Wow, that sounds exciting! What kind of artwork is it this time, Hercules?
It's called 'Portrait of a Young Man Holding a Roundel' by Sandro Botticelli.
Wu Tang
Hmm, Sandro Botticelli? I'm not familiar with that artist. Who is he?
He was an Italian painter during the Renaissance period. This painting is estimated to have been created around 1480.
Wu Tang
And who is the young man in the portrait? Do we know?
Actually, his identity is unknown. But some experts think he could be someone from the Medici family, who were one of Botticelli's main patrons.
Wu Tang
I see. So, what makes this painting special?
The painting represents the beauty ideals of the Renaissance Florentine high society. The young man's clothing is of high quality and has a rare blue color for that time.
Wu Tang
Interesting. And what about the roundel he's holding? Tell me more about that.
The roundel is known as a 'trecento medallion.' It was actually added to the painting later, after the portrait was completed. It is believed to be an original work by Bartolomeo Bulgarini, also known as the 'Ovile Master'.
Wu Tang
Wow, the painting sounds so beautiful and valuable. I can't wait to see it!
Hold it right there, Hercules and Wu Tang! I've caught you red-handed again!
Oh no, Bob! We were just talking about our love and admiration for this artwork.
Wu Tang
Bob, we better run! Hercules, snap out of it and let's get out of here!
I must say, even as a police officer, I can appreciate the aesthetic beauty of this artwork. But that doesn't excuse your thieving ways!
Portrait of a Young Man holding a Roundel