Art Robbers > #16

Suprematist Composition
Scene opens with Hercules and Wu Tang planning to steal that artwork.
Wu Tang
So, Hercules, what kind of artwork are we going to steal today?
Today, we are going to steal a painting called 'Suprematist Composition' by Kazimir Malevich.
Wu Tang
'Suprematist Composition'? What's that? Can you explain it to me?
Suprematist Composition is a painting that was created by Kazimir Malevich, a Russian artist, in 1916. It's a work of geometric abstraction.
Wu Tang
Geometric abstraction? What does that mean?
Geometric abstraction is a type of art that uses simple shapes like squares, rectangles, and circles to create a composition.
Wu Tang
I see. That sounds interesting.
Yes, it is! This particular painting has a blue rectangle over a red beam. It's a very unique and visually striking composition.
Hercules is ecstatic about the beauty of the artwork.
Wu Tang
I can see why you like it so much. It's really beautiful.
Bob sniffs out the plan and approaches Hercules and Wu Tang.
Wu Tang
Oh no, Bob is coming! We need to go!
But I haven't finished talking about how much I love this painting!
Halt! What are you two up to?
Wu Tang
We weren't doing anything! We were just... um... discussing the artwork.
Discussing the artwork, huh? I don't buy it.
Wu Tang
We really weren't doing anything illegal!
Wu Tang runs away impatiently, and Hercules suddenly realizes the situation and runs away as well.
I'll get that artwork one day! Just you wait and see!
Hercules runs away screaming his desire to get the artwork.
Suprematist Composition