Art Robbers > #26

Massacre of the Innocents
Scene opens with Hercules and Wu Tang planning to steal an artwork
Wu Tang
Hey Hercules, what kind of artwork are we going to steal today?
Ah, let me tell you about the artwork we're after today. It's called the 'Massacre of the Innocents' by Peter Paul Rubens.
Wu Tang
Massacre of the Innocents? That sounds intense. Can you explain what it's about?
Certainly! The 'Massacre of the Innocents' is based on a biblical story from the Gospel of Matthew. It depicts the episode of the Massacre of the Innocents that happened in Bethlehem.
Wu Tang
What happened in the Massacre of the Innocents?
Well, according to the Bible, King Herod ordered the execution of all male children in Bethlehem who were two years old and under. This tragic event was a response to the news of the birth of Jesus Christ, as Herod feared that Jesus would become a threat to his throne.
Wu Tang
Wow, that's a dark story. How did Rubens depict it in his painting?
Rubens created two versions of the 'Massacre of the Innocents.' The first version, painted in 1608, is now in the Liechtenstein Collection in Vienna. The second version, painted between 1636 and 1638, is in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich.
Wu Tang
That's interesting. But why is this painting so famous?
Rubens was a renowned Flemish Baroque painter, and this painting is considered one of his masterpieces. It showcases his incredible skill in capturing emotions and creating a dramatic scene. The use of chiaroscuro, which is a contrast between light and dark, adds depth and intensity to the work.
Wu Tang
I see. It sounds like a powerful artwork.
It truly is. Rubens was inspired by Italian Baroque painters like Caravaggio during his time in Italy, and you can see their influence in this painting.
Hold it right there, criminals! I've got you in my sights.
Oh no, it's Bob! Quick, Wu Tang, run!
Wu Tang
I'm out of here!
Wu Tang runs away impatiently, while Hercules finally realizes the danger and also runs away.
Well, well, what do we have here? A stolen moment of appreciation for art. Despite your criminal activities, I must admit, the Massacre of the Innocents is a visually striking piece.
Bob appreciates the aesthetic of the artwork, despite Hercules and Wu Tang's actions.
Massacre of the Innocents