Art Robbers > #37

Garçon à la pipe
Okay, Wu Tang. Today, we're going to steal a really special artwork.
Wu Tang
What kind of artwork is it, Hercules?
It's called 'Garçon à la Pipe' by Pablo Picasso. It's a painting he made in 1905.
Wu Tang
Tell me more about it. What's it about?
Well, Wu Tang, it's a painting of a young boy from Paris. He's holding a pipe and wearing a garland of flowers on his head.
Wu Tang
What's so special about this painting?
It's considered one of Picasso's most expensive paintings. In fact, it was sold at an auction for $104 million! And it's currently the fifth highest selling painting by Picasso.
Wu Tang
Wow, that's impressive! But why is it so valuable?
I think it's because the painting captures a moment in time, a slice of life in Paris during the early 1900s. And Picasso's use of colors and composition is truly remarkable.
Wu Tang
I see. But who is that boy in the painting?
His name was 'P'tit Louis'. He was a local boy from Paris who used to hang around the artist studios in Montmartre. Unfortunately, he died at a young age.
Wu Tang
That's so sad. But why did Picasso choose to paint him?
I think Picasso was inspired by the innocence and youthfulness of P'tit Louis. The garland of flowers on his head symbolizes the transition from youth to maturity.
Hold it right there, Hercules! What do you think you're doing?
Oh no, it's Bob! I was just talking about how much I love this artwork.
Wu Tang
We gotta go, Hercules!
You're right, Wu Tang. Let's get out of here!
Wait, before you go, I just wanna say that this painting is truly a masterpiece. The way Picasso captures the essence of youth and the vibrant colors he uses, it's truly remarkable.
Wu Tang
See, even the police officer appreciates the art!
I may be a police officer, but I can still appreciate the beauty of art. Now, get going before I change my mind!
Garçon à la pipe