La Maldición del Guardián > #4

Tensions reach a boiling point as the fierce battle erupts between Aditya and Vikram. The air crackles with energy as their powers collide, shaking the very foundations of the village.
Vikram, your thirst for power has brought nothing but suffering to this village. I will not stand idly by as you continue to spread your darkness.
Aditya, you are but a fool blinded by your ideals. I will show you the true extent of my power. Prepare to witness the might of the dark forces.
Boom! Crackle! The clash of their powers echoes through the village, sending shockwaves in all directions.
Your dark magic may be strong, Vikram, but I have the strength of righteousness on my side.
Ha! Righteousness? What good is righteousness when faced with the power of darkness?
Whack! Pow! Aditya's fists connect with Vikram's dark shield, the impact sending vibrations through the air.
I fight not just for myself, but for the innocent villagers whose lives you have tainted.
Innocent? They are mere pawns in the grand game of power. Their suffering is but a stepping stone to my true destiny.
Vikram, your selfishness blinds you to the true consequences of your actions. We will not let you destroy this village.
Ah, Kavya, always the soft-hearted healer. Your words hold no weight against the might of my dark magic.
Crash! Aditya's powerful kick breaks through Vikram's defenses, sending him sprawling to the ground.
Your power may be great, Vikram, but it is nothing compared to the strength of a united village.
Unity? A meaningless concept. True power lies in control, and I will not rest until I have complete dominion over this village.
Swoosh! Kavya's healing powers envelop Aditya, revitalizing his energy and enhancing his fighting spirit.
Aditya, together we can overcome the darkness. We must fight for the future of this village.
You're right, Kavya. We will not let Vikram's twisted desires consume us. We fight for the light, for the hope of a better tomorrow.
Foolish mortals! Your determination means nothing. I will crush you and claim this village as my own.
Boom! Boom! The ground trembles as their powers collide with even greater force.
In the climax of their battle, Aditya lands a devastating blow on Vikram, causing him to stumble back, blood trickling from his lip.
You... you will regret this, Aditya.
With a fierce determination, Aditya presses on, his eyes glowing with an unwavering resolve.
Boom! Boom! The clash of their powers intensifies, the fate of the village hanging in the balance.
As the chapter comes to a close, the village is left in chaos, blood staining the once serene streets. The battle has taken its toll, but the fight for peace and justice continues.