La Maldición del Guardián > #3

In a fierce showdown, Aditya and Kavya confront Vikram, their determination shining through their eyes as they stand their ground. The air crackles with anticipation as the clash of ideals begins.
Ah, Aditya and Kavya, how delightful it is to see you both. You must be wondering why I've chosen this village to unleash my curse upon. Well, let me enlighten you. I believe that power is the key to happiness. And what better way to satisfy my hunger for power than by feeding off the despair of others?
Vikram, your twisted belief that power brings happiness is deeply flawed. It is compassion and selflessness that truly brings joy to one's heart. We fight not for power, but to protect the innocent from your malevolence.
Vikram, your thirst for power has blinded you to the true essence of life. Happiness lies in healing, in bringing light to those in darkness. Your curse may have affected this village, but we will find a way to restore balance and cleanse it of your darkness.
You speak of compassion and selflessness, but have you ever truly experienced the intoxicating thrill of power, Aditya? The rush of authority and control. It is only when one possesses ultimate power that they can truly shape their own destiny.
Vikram, true happiness cannot be found in the control of others. It is found in the freedom to make choices that benefit all, not just oneself. Your pursuit of power will lead you down a path of destruction, and we will stand in your way until the very end.
Vikram, your quest for power is a hollow one. It is love, empathy, and understanding that truly define a person's strength. We will not let your darkness consume this village. Our unity and compassion shall prevail.
You both are naive, blinded by your misguided beliefs. But mark my words, the power I possess will crush your feeble attempts to stop me. This village will tremble before the might of my dark magic!