In the realm of cosmic dance,
Spatial and temporal steps entwined.
Quantum mysteries, they advance,
Their ethereal gazes aligned.
Fleeting moments, waltzing by,
A universe of probabilities untold.
In this symphony, secrets lie,
Where spatiotemporal mysteries unfold.
The rock of Sisyphus, a futile plight,
Yet in quantum realms, hope is reborn.
Where density's double, a shimmering light,
Spatial and temporal, forever adorned.
With every step, they intertwine,
In this unified framework's embrace.
Where nature and time converge, divine,
A quantum ballet, in mystical space.
Title: The spatiotemporal doubled density operator: a unified framework for analyzing spatial and temporal quantum processes
Authors: Zhian Jia, Dagomir Kaszlikowski
View this paper on arXiv