Quantum > #17

There are two goddesses, Entanglia and Vidualia.
They both read human papers from the divine world.
This paper is titled 'On the irrelevance of the scrambling power of gravity for black hole radiation.'
It talks about black holes and the loss of information falling into them.
What do you mean by 'scrambling power'?
Scrambling power refers to how information gets mixed up or scrambled.
The paper shows that the scrambling power of gravity in black holes is not important for understanding black hole radiation.
So, even though black holes have strong gravitational fields, the scrambling power of gravity is not what causes the loss of information?
That's correct. The paper demonstrates that even in a flat space-time, like a non-curved space, information can still become non-fungible or scrambled.
Hmm, I wonder if humans will be able to use this knowledge for something amazing.
It's possible. Humans are constantly making advancements in understanding the quantum world.
But it's important to remember that the practical applications of this research are still unknown.
Right, we should always be cautious when speculating about future applications.
Indeed. It's exciting to see what humans will discover next.
I'll write a poem about the mysteries of black holes and the quantum world.
That sounds wonderful, Vidualia. I look forward to reading your poem.
And so, the goddesses continue their exploration of the scientific papers, eager to uncover more secrets of the universe.
I got the idea for the poem from that paper.

In symphony of skies,

Gravity's dance mesmerizes.

Black holes sing a radiant hymn,

Scrambling power held within.

Irrelevance, a celestial view,

To unveil secrets, we pursue.

Title: On the irrelevance of the scrambling power of gravity for black hole radiation
Authors: Xuan-Lin Su, Alioscia Hamma, Antonino Marciano
View this paper on arXiv