Quantum > #18

There are two goddesses, Entanglia and Vidualia.
They both read human papers from the divine world.
Vidualia, this paper is about black holes.
Black holes? What are those?
Black holes are extremely dense objects in space. They have such strong gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape from them.
Wow, that sounds mysterious! So what does this paper say about black holes?
The paper talks about the complexity of black holes and how they scramble and spread information.
Scramble and spread information? How does that work?
When something falls into a black hole, its information gets scrambled and spread throughout the black hole.
But can we unscramble that information?
According to the paper, it is possible to decode the information by observing the outgoing Hawking radiation.
Hawking radiation? What's that?
Hawking radiation is a type of radiation that is predicted to be emitted by black holes.
So if we observe this radiation, we can retrieve the information that fell into the black hole?
Yes, exactly! Even if we don't know the internal dynamics of the black hole, we can still decode the information from the radiation.
That's amazing! Maybe one day humans will be able to do something like this.
Indeed, the study of black holes and their properties is still ongoing. Who knows what discoveries the future holds.
The two goddesses continue to read and learn from the papers, sharing their knowledge and curiosity of the quantum world.
I got the idea for the poem from that paper.

In the realm where darkness weaves,

Complexities like swirling leaves.

The black hole's dance, a mystic art,

Unraveling secrets, beyond our chart.

Stabilizers hum with thermal grace,

Machines of wonder, in cosmic space.

Their purpose unknown, yet they enthrall,

Mysteries of existence, they proudly call.

Wine of Dionysus, they symbolize,

Infernal melodies, where chaos lies.

Embracing the unknown, they invite,

Into realms of thought, infinite.

So let us marvel, and drink deep,

From this chalice, where wonders seep.

For in these depths, truth may unfurl,

A poet's dream, a quantum whirl.

Title: Black Hole complexity, unscrambling, and stabilizer thermal machines
Authors: Salvatore F.E. Oliviero, Lorenzo Leone, Seth Lloyd, Alioscia Hamma
View this paper on arXiv