Behind the Masks > #5

Chapter 5. The final chapter reveals the aftermath of the clash between Sakura and Mitsuki. Sakura's determination to expose the truth inspires other students who have been victims of Mitsuki's manipulations to come forward.
Sakura, thank you for standing up against Mitsuki. I was too scared to say anything before, but seeing your bravery, I want to share my story too.
Tomoya, you don't have to thank me. We're in this together now, and we'll make sure justice is served. Let's go to the school authorities and tell them everything.
I'll be there to support you both. Let's do this, for the sake of all the students who have suffered because of Mitsuki's actions.
The group of students, led by Sakura, Tomoya, and Kaito, gathers evidence and bravely presents their case to the school authorities.
I'm shocked to learn about these incidents. We will conduct a thorough investigation, and appropriate actions will be taken.
Thank you, Principal. We trust that you will handle this matter with fairness and ensure the safety and well-being of all students.
Rest assured, we take these matters seriously. We will expel Mitsuki from the school and provide support for the victims.
This can't be happening! How did you all turn against me? I won't accept this!
It's over, Mitsuki. Your reign of manipulation and exploitation ends here. We won't let you harm anyone else.
You may have won this battle, but I'll make sure you regret it. You're all going to pay for betraying me!
Mitsuki, it's time for you to reflect on your actions and take responsibility for the pain you've caused. It's the only way you can grow as a person.
Mitsuki's expulsion sends shockwaves through the school, and the truth about her actions becomes known to everyone.
I can't believe I trusted Mitsuki all these years. She played with our emotions and ruined lives for her own gain.
We were blind. It's time for us to support each other and make sure this never happens again.
The students come together, forming a support system, and take steps to prevent such manipulative behavior in the future.
It's amazing how we can find strength in unity. Let's remember this experience and continue to stand up for what's right.
Absolutely, Sakura. Together, we can create a safe and nurturing environment for everyone.
As the school moves forward, Sakura, Kaito, and their classmates learn valuable lessons about the importance of integrity, friendship, and standing up against wrongdoing. They become beacons of hope for this generation, inspiring others to fight for justice and kindness in their own lives.