Behind the Masks > #2

I can't believe what I just overheard... Mitsuki is involved in some serious immoral activities!
What? Sakura, what did you hear?
Mitsuki was bragging to her friends about cheating and manipulating others to get ahead. It's shocking!
That's terrible. We need to do something about this, Sakura.
I'm determined to expose her, Kaito. I can't let her get away with her misdeeds.
Good. We'll support you all the way. But we need solid evidence, Sakura.
I know, Kaito. I'm already gathering evidence secretly. I'll make sure her true colors are revealed.
Well, if it isn't Sakura and Kaito. What a surprise to see you two together.
Mitsuki, we need to talk. I know what you've been up to.
What are you talking about, Sakura? You're just jealous of my success.
Don't try to manipulate me, Mitsuki. I have evidence of your immoral activities, and I'm not afraid to expose you.
You think you can bring me down? Think again, Sakura. I have my ways of dealing with people like you.
We'll see about that, Mitsuki. The truth always has a way of coming out.
Sakura's determination to expose Mitsuki intensifies as she delves deeper into her investigation. She uncovers shocking information about Mitsuki's involvement in bullying and blackmailing, leaving Sakura even more determined to bring her down.
No one deserves to get away with such despicable actions. I will make sure justice is served.
You have our full support, Sakura. Let's strategize and find a way to expose Mitsuki's true nature.
*Dramatic music intensifies*
As Sakura and Kaito work together to gather more evidence, they come across an unexpected twist. A mysterious figure appears, offering them a deal that could potentially turn the tables on Mitsuki and lead them to the resolution they desperately seek.