Liberation > #1

The stage is set in the picturesque village of Tirur in the 1950s. The houses are adorned with traditional architecture, and the air is filled with the scent of jasmine. The villagers go about their daily lives, adhering to the beliefs and customs deeply ingrained in their hearts.
Meera, Arjun, how can you question the caste system? It is the defining structure of our society, preserving our traditions and values for centuries!
Rajeev, the caste system may have served a purpose in the past, but times have changed. Our society needs to evolve and embrace equality for all. We cannot continue to discriminate based on birthright.
Meera is right, Rajeev. Our village needs progress, not stagnation. The caste system only perpetuates oppression and limits the potential of our people. It's time for a change.
Change? Progress? These are just hollow words! Our ancestors have followed this system for generations. Who are we to question their wisdom?
Rajeev, it's not about questioning their wisdom, but rather reevaluating it. We can honor our traditions without perpetuating discrimination. It's time to break free from these shackles.
Exactly, Meera! Our beliefs should evolve with time, just as we do. Let's imagine a village where everyone is valued for their skills, not their caste. It can be a better Tirur.
You both speak of dreams, but reality is harsh. The caste system is deeply rooted in our society, and it is not something we can simply cast aside.
But Rajeev, clinging to outdated systems will only hinder our progress. It is time to let go and embrace a more inclusive future for Tirur and its people.
Rajeev, change takes courage. If we don't act now, our village will remain trapped in the past. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to strive for a more equal society.