Fate's Treasures > #3

Takashi, I never thought I'd see your face again. What brings you here?
Save the pleasantries, Hiroshi. We both know why we're here. That artifact is mine.
Yours? Don't make me laugh. You've always been obsessed with power and control.
And you've always been a coward, running away from your past.
Guys, please! We need to work together if we want to find the artifact. Can't you put your differences aside?
Emi, stay out of this. This is between me and Takashi.
She's right, Hiroshi. We may have our issues, but finding that artifact is bigger than both of us.
Hiroshi, Takashi is right. We can't afford to let our personal differences get in the way of our mission.
Fine, I'll put aside my grudges for now. But don't think this changes anything between us, Takashi.
Agreed. We'll work together, but I won't forget what you've done.
Reluctantly, Hiroshi and Takashi agree to set aside their differences for the time being, realizing that finding the artifact is more important than their personal vendettas.
Thank you both for making this decision. We have a long way to go, and we'll need each other's skills and knowledge.
Don't think I'm doing this for you, Takashi. I'm doing it for the artifact.
Likewise, Hiroshi. Let's find that artifact and settle this once and for all.
With a fragile truce in place, the trio continues their journey, with the hope of finding the artifact while keeping their personal conflicts at bay.