Finder Series


The Finder series is a Japanese manga written by Ayano Yamane. It follows the story of Akihito Takaba, a freelance photographer who becomes involved with crime lord Ryuichi Asami and a rival boss named Liu Fei Long. The manga has been adapted into various media, including OVA, light novels, and audio drama CDs. The series is published in the manga magazines Be x Boy Gold and B-Boy Zips. It has received positive reviews for its dark and brooding tone, graphic sex, and attractive art. The manga has also gained attention for its controversial content, with the first volume being labeled as 'harmful to young persons' in Germany. Despite this, the series has achieved commercial success, ranking on The New York Times Best Seller list for manga. The Finder series has been licensed and published in English by Central Park Media, Digital Manga Publishing, and Viz Media.